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| Manmin News   No. 631 | HIT 7872 | DATE 2019-03-03
My Lord Gave Me Health and Blessings!

Hyena Jung (Age 18)

I have been very curious about the future and had many dreams since I was quite young. I began praying to God in elementary school to lead me to fulfill my future goals.
I finally decided to give glory to God by majoring in a musical instrument when I was in the 9th grade. My mother and her friends are members of our church's Nissi Orchestra, and their advice had a strong impact on me.

Saved From Danger of Disability and Even Death

When I was 4 months old, I had pus that completely filled the joint between the hipbone and the thigh bone.
The doctor said it was exceptionally rare for a baby to have such a condition. He also said I could die from blood poisoning in a week if the pus transferred into the blood.
I was too young to get a surgery, and even if I did, I definitely would have problem in my hipbone that would lead to disability.
Fortunately I was completely healed after receiving prayer of our Senior Pastor Rev. Jaerock Lee.

MRI Pictures

Before Prayer: Pus fills the socket
After Prayer: Normal

Passing Entrance Exam for Art High School by God's Grace

In May 2017, I was in 3rd grade of middle school. I decided to major in French Horn, but it was too late to get into an art high school. It usually takes more than 2 years to prepare for the exams, but I had to do it in 6 months. However, I overcame the situation by God's help. Everybody just wished me a 'miracle'.
In every worship service, I received the Senior Pastor's prayer with faith that God would lead me to a prosperous way. I believed in my heart I already passed the exam by God's grace.
Sometimes I'd get discouraged, but I encouraged myself thinking of the Senior Pastor who encouraged me every time I saw him. Finally, I passed the entrance exam to Kyeong Gi Art High School in the winter. Hallelujah!
In 2018, after I entered high school, I was really busy. I had to prepare for the college entrance exam, and I needed to practice a lot. There were many concerts and studies that I had to do at school. I could go to church only for Sunday services.
When the New Year 2019 dawned, I decided to attend Friday all-night service and also Daniel prayer meetings in addition to attending Sunday services. In one of the Friday all-night services, the 2nd part was so full of the Holy Spirit that I felt like shouting out "Eureka" and run all around the sanctuary as if I were Archimedes.

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit in Friday All-night Service

Because I was filled with the Holy Spirit, I didn't feel tired. The whole congregation praised God with passion and love, and I felt this is what 'Manmin' is supposed to be. I really felt we were all one family. I also felt we were like a big army that was fighting against the enemy devil.
Friday all-night service is so precious to me nowadays, especially offering up to God the praises and prayers on top of being blessed by the message. The worship service is like a bicycle that takes me anywhere to let me feel the cool breezes when I am tired of my studies and practices.
It also lets me pay back God's grace. I can offer up heart-felt praises with my healthy legs and hands to God who healed me of a serious illness in my infancy. The Holy Spirit touches my heart when I sing the praises keeping each of the lyrics in my mind.
I give all thanks and glory to God who healed me of possible disability and who let me praise God with my musical instrument!


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