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News > News
| Manmin News   No. 636 | HIT 8995 | DATE 2019-04-07
Special Praises Offered up to the Lord God

At 9 PM this past March 11, Pastor Soojin Lee the president of Pastors' Association led a special praise session for 2 hours. It was the 1st day of the 2nd term of the 2-term consecutive special Daniel Prayer Meeting. It was a special moment to offer to God praises that please Him.
Isa. 43:21 says, "The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise." It began with "Let Us Sing of His Love Once Again" and was followed by "There's Sunshine in My Soul Today" and "When Peace, Like a River, Attendeth My Way", which the attendees sang with all their heart.
Psa. 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart." The attendees were filled with the Holy Spirit and also received divine healings and blessings.

Disorder of Vestibular Function Healed During Praises

Yei Ok Lee (Age 57, 5th Parish)

I began to have severe headache from mid-February, one week before the special Daniel prayer meeting started. The conditions deteriorated. I'd fall forward in the morning. I was nauseous and had loss of appetite. I was dizzy even while sleeping and I had to hold on to my pillows.
I was admitted to a hospital for tests on March 4. The diagnosis was migraine and vestibular function disorder. Vestibular function is what enables you to physically balance yourself.
The doctor said it couldn't be cured any time soon and told me to come back if the medicines didn't work. The medicines helped alleviate nausea but the headache and dizziness persisted.
When I heard about the special praise session, I wanted to give glory to God by receiving the divine healing. I prepared with prayers and with faith in the almighty God.
March 11, on the day of the special praise, I was still having a hard time, but I quit taking medicines with faith and went to the church. I sang with all my heart and I perspired profusely. I received the fire of the Holy Spirit.
The next morning, something amazing happened. I could get up without any problem. I got better and better and all symptoms are gone now. Hallelujah!
Now, I go to work with a healthy body by God's grace. I give all thanks and glory to God the Father and the Lord.


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